10 May 2011

Happy Mother's Day - so nice, I had to do it twice!

My mother - 25 years ago

     I met a wonderful woman online.  Her name is Adrienne.  She is special, smart, strong, sensitive and someone I hope to always be in touch with – thanks Adrienne!

     She writes an outstanding blog, and she published these words there.  Write me if you want her blog address and I’ll ask her if I can share the link.  She is totally awesome and worth the read!

     I read her words, loved them and so I’ve copied them here.  Enjoy them and know that I mean them with all of my heart too.

If you are a mother currently wadding in the deep, deep waters of parenting; Happy Mother’s Day

If you are a mother who has made it safely ashore to let your adult children set sail; Happy Mother’s Day

If you are a father holding dual responsibilities; Happy Mother’s Day

If you can hold your mother close in your arms because you love her; Happy Mother’s Day

If you must keep your mother at arm’s length because you love yourself; Happy Mother’s Day

If you long to be a mother, I add my prayers to yours; Happy Mother’s Day

If you don’t want to be a mother, I honor your gift of discernment; Happy Mother’s Day

If your mother is present, take time to share and build memories; Happy Mother’s Day

If your mother is not on this earthly plane, I hope you find comfort in memories that contain measures of laughter and tears; Happy Mother’s Day

If you have given and received friendship, doling out steadfast support or a swift kick in the pants when needed; Happy Mother’s Day


  1. Hi Susanne,
    Thanks for giving me a shoutout on your blog. The Mother’s Day post came straight from my heart. I have an awesome Mom but, I’ve been “mothered” by a lot of folks; family members and friends; guys and gals. I am really lucky. I just wanted to use the blog as a forum to express my gratitude. I’m happy that it resonated with you.

    Below is my blog address and please share with anyone who may have an interest in the musings from this Brooklyn bruja :-)



  2. You are amazing AND appreciated! Thanks
