30 April 2011

Moving Day

I absolutely hate transitions! Well, it isn't the transition itself but rather the change that irks me. I don't like change! I don't like stress! I don't know when this happened; it kinda just snuck up on me because as a kid I couldn't wait to move. Moving meant new things, new places and great beginnings. There was fresh paint, different perspectives and the very real possibility that everything would be much better.

Now, moving means sore muscles and stress. It means another mess will have to be cleaned up TWICE (once in the place being left and then again in the new space when everything needs to be put away). If you add to this the fact that I've only been there for four months; and all my things are on the 6th floor of a six floor walk-up, you get part of the picture. Plus, the place I'm leaving is a perfectly beautiful tri-level apartment. I don't want to go, but I've got to leave. Fortunately for the owners, the place is sold. Unfortunately for me, I’ve gotta go.

The beautiful part of this is that many friends are going to help me. They have offered places for me to stay, places to store my things and even volunteered to take on the onerous six flights of stairs carrying heavy “stuff” for me. It brings tears to my eyes to see and feel this outpouring of love. Walking six stories with weight for a friend with no expectation of compensation just makes me weepy. I am truly blessed.

And a reward is so necessary! It’s my plan to take everyone out to lunch for sumptuous, delicious Chinese food! Yes, the real deal right here on Xinda Lu!

SO, this is my shout out to all of the fabulous folks who are helping me in advance! I’ll have pictures (maybe) and a fuller account after the move!

Thanks people!


  1. The Universe reciprocates in kind to Her faithful, free-spirits! That'd be You! :-)It helps us stay humble. Enjoy ginger -n- advil BEFORE and AFTER for achey-decrease. ;->

  2. Allergic to that ginger, but the advil sure has helped.

    It's great to see you here as a follower!
