21 April 2011

Random Ramblings and Rants

Just when you think it's safe to enter the water .. da dum .. (hear the music) .. da dum .. the sharks come out to play.  Now if I were someone other than a jet, it would be simply scary.  But, because of my affiliations it's down right dangerous. 

OMG - what in the world am I talking about?  Well here's the thing, the folks who are supposed to be out of my life are NOT.  They want things from me and I don't feel inclined to oblige them.  The question is am I going to be bold and confront 'em, or am I just gonna ignore 'em?  There are up sides to both courses of action, and as always there are down sides.  I am not sure where I will land in this puzzle, but something will definitely have to give because that's just the nature of life.

To be or not to be isn't the real question, rather its when!  Is this a good time for drastic action or procrastination?  I adore both, and quite frankly, I'm thinking that procrastination is a good idea.  When dealing with morons, it's often the path of least resistance because they can't hold a thought for very long -- too taxing for 'em.  My dilemma is that in this particular instance, the annoying one is merely a pawn.  He will get grief.  If I were in another part of the world this would not be an issue for me.  I am however in China, and life isn't easy for those in the middle.  In fact, it's downright difficult!  Plus, he's got a new baby.

What happens to my karma if I just decide to take care of myself?  Does every situation require win - win endings?  How many licks does it take to get to the center of a tootsie pop?  Oh well, on to more interesting topics.  Should I walk to the park and participate in Tai Chi or go to Cup O'Joe's for breakfast?

Life is good!

Now the update:  I ran into him (the aforementioned middle guy) and he was quite snarky.  He threatened me.  I didn't like that one bit.  So, how do I resolve all of this?  I'm still not sure, but I've called in my experts.  Once I have their input, I'll make a decision.  And I know that consideration of the "poor middle man" has completely left the building!

I'm struggling with a big daddy depression (in large part because of all of this), and want to run cower under the bed with shades drawn, phone disconnected and earphones turned up too loud to hear anything external.  I don't want to see my friends, don't want to go shopping and don't even want to watch the laughing babies on YouTube.  It's a major effort to get food when I'm hungry.  BUT they will not win.  I will surmount this debilitating downer and stand strong!  I'm off to Shanghai to bring in the re-enforcements!

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